In 2006 three friends and I traveled to Mexico for the first time. We explored many of the sacred sights in this amazing country. A highlight for us was our trip to Palenque, a site of rare beauty and immense power. Palenque was once the home of the legendary Mayan ruler – Lord Pacal. His tomb is a prominent feature of the site.
2006 The adventure begins……..
As we left the Hotel to walk to the bus depot in the town of Palenque, a small shuttle bus pulled over and the driver asked if we would like a lift to the ruins. As it was raining at the time we gratefully clambered aboard. I made my way to the back seat and found myself seated next to a man in a blue shirt. He stared at me intently and told me in broken English that he was Mayan and that he was a Shaman. He said that I was also a Shaman and that he had something important to share with me and that I needed to meet his father.

We arrived at the ruins and he took me to meet his father who was dressed in traditional costume. His father brought out a small mahogany obsidian crystal skull and gave it to me to hold. This skull was given to him by his teacher, a wise and respected man. As I held it, I felt tremendous energy flowing from the skull and through me. They told me that they had a larger skull to show me and that it was important for me to connect with this particular skull but that he would have to go home to get it. He said for us to come back later in the day. We wanted to see the ruins so this was no problem. We needed a guide to show us around so the Shaman called over one of his friends who did this for us. Towards the end of the “tourist” tour, our guide said that he sensed that we would be open to a more adventurous tour and asked how fit we were. He said that he would take us on a two and a half hour hike into the jungle to the “Lost City”
We decided that we were fit enough and adventurous enough so, we set off into the jungle. The Shaman arrived and decided to join us. I noticed that he was carrying a heavy backpack. We trekked Indiana Jones style into the heart of the jungle, following a path that seemed visible only to our guides.

Eventually we climbed a hill to the ruins of an ancient temple. As we gazed out we felt that time had stood still and we couldn’t help but wonder who had walked this path before us and what had become of them. The rain continued to fall in a tropical deluge, washing everything clean before us. The Shaman took off his backpack and took out its precious cargo. He spread a cloth on the ground and proceeded to make an altar. He laid the mahogany obsidian skull on the cloth and then revealed the second skull – a life size skull of quartz crystal. He took out his copal burner and lit some of the aromatic resin, using it to smudge each of us in turn.
He then gave each of us a special leaf to hold and guided us to take our places around the altar. I stood facing north, looking out into the jungle and the others faced the other directions. We were each given the skull to hold for a time while he performed a sacred ceremony. I had to hold the skull for a very long time and was terrified I would drop it as it was so heavy and the energy from it so strong my whole body was shaking. It seemed to me that I received a huge download of information from this skull.
When the ceremony was over, our guide led us further into the jungle to a waterfall where we were guided to smear ourselves in the special mud from the river bank. We then washed off in the pristine waters of the waterfall, feeling totally cleansed and energized by the whole experience.
We then dressed and made our way out of the jungle and back to the car park. It was like stepping out of time, coming from an ancient world into the world of cars and noise and worldly concerns such as how to get back to the Hotel in such sodden clothes. It took me some time to integrate the whole experience, especially my time with the skull.
2008 The adventure continues…………
I was so affected by my last visit to this magical place that I wanted others to be able to have a similar experience, so, in 2008 I returned with my own tour group. I had organized a tour of the ruins with our guide and interpreter but had no idea of how to contact the shaman or his father as I didn’t even have their names.
When we arrived in the town of Palenque, I thought I would do some research via the internet. Eventually I found his picture and name but no contact details. I went back to the hotel and prayed that he would come to the site the next day.
We arrived at the ruins early so that we could explore in the cool of the morning and before the “tourist rush”. As I stepped from the bus I saw the Shaman’s father in the distance. and thought that his son may also be there. When I approached him he said that his son no longer comes to the site and would not be there that day. I was very disappointed and asked if he would call him and he agreed. He came away smiling and said that Cay’un was on his way as he had dreamed that I was coming. He arrived a short time later and came straight to me amongst the crowds of people as we explored the ruins and said that he would once again take us into the heart of the jungle to the sacred temple.
We stood at the entrance to the jungle and asked permission of the guardians and spirits to enter their sacred space. When we had all centered in our heart space, we were allowed to begin our journey. Once more we crossed streams and waded through mud in the steamy jungle heat. Eventually we arrived at the temple ruins and Cay’un and his father prepared the altar for our ceremony. With great reverence they laid their cloth and gently placed the copal burners and crystals upon it and then the moment we had been waiting for – the skull was placed upon the altar. The howler monkeys called to acknowledge our presence and in the quiet that followed, we began our ceremony.
Cay’un explained that he was the keeper of the skull and that he had been born to do this. He said that his skull was one of “the” 8 ancient skulls that have been found so far and that he has been guided to share its energies with selected people at this vital time in Earth’s history. He said that he has also been guided to take the skull traveling to other countries. He also spoke of my connection to the Skull and of how he recognized this on the bus two years before and of how he had dreamed that we would be there on this day. As he spoke, the energy began to build and the light started to change. Cay’un’s father began to sing as they stood together in the temple holding the skull. As he sang, I felt my heart grow full and my body began to vibrate and hum.

The skull came alive and began to glow and at the same time my body appeared to be enclosed in a ball of white light. Rainbow orbs appeared and streams of violet light poured onto the altar. My friend Mel was able to capture some of this with her camera. Each of us got to hold the skull and have our own experience of it – unforgettable! The pictures she took show the skull glowing as each person took their turn with it. Once more the energy was so intense it felt that we were being downloaded with the energies of this remarkable skull.
As we walked back through the jungle, my guide said that this had been the most amazing day of her life. I couldn’t help but agree.
2010 March Equinox – the journey continues………..
As we approach 2012, the energies of these sites is becoming stronger. I have found visiting these places to be a transformational experience and would encourage all who are drawn these places to do so now.
Annie McKenzie
Healer/Teacher/Shaman/Tour Guide
Eumundi , Queensland
Contact details
617- 54428847 or 0402 801 589